24 October – 1 December 2013

Jean Dubuffet - Coucou Bazar

Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris

From 24 October to 1 December 2013, for the first time since 40 years, the public discovers or rediscovers Coucou Bazar in the large nave of the Musée des Arts décoratifs, located in the Rivoli aisle of the Palais du Louvre.

Guided by a theater curtain, the visitor will be surprised by the sudden appearance of a spectacular series of praticables and costumes exhibited on a large stage set: an extraordinary vision of a world inhabited by Nini la Minaude, Le Grand Malotru or Le Triomphateur. All different figures (costumed before the visitors, in the recreation of a "fitting room") who will suddenly come to life as they parade through the exhibition.

A selection of visual and audio archives related to Coucou Bazar's creation will also be on display.

An exhibition by Fondation Dubuffet and Les Arts Décoratifs, and curated by Sophie Duplaix and Béatrice Salmon.

