Tuesday 20 February 2018, 6.30pm

Archive Screening: Allan D'Arcangelo & Marco Livingstone in conversation

Waddington Custot

In 1988, the renowned art historian, Marco Livingstone was driven by American artist, Allan D’Arcangelo, out of New York City to his upstate studio. Livingstone filmed his interview with D’Arcangelo during this drive as research for his book Pop Art: A Continuing History (London: Thames and Hudson, 1990). Livingstone and D’Arcangelo discuss the artist’s practice, his position within Pop Art and the contemporary American experience. Their conversation continues and ends at the studio where they spend time looking at and discussing his paintings.


This is the first time this film will be screened to the public and is shown in conjunction with Waddington Custot’s current exhibition Allan D’Arcangelo: Pi in the Sky. Marco Livingstone will introduce the film and be available for questions following the screening.


Tuesday 20 February, 6.30pm


A film kindly lent by Marco Livingstone and Tate, London.

Free admission but please RSVP to reserve a place rsvp@waddingtoncustot.com

